I've spent the last week recovering from almost strep throat. I, unfortunately, get sick quite often, far too often for my taste, so it was nice to take some time to recover and get over it. I spent the weekend snuggled up with Ashley, who was also sick, taking Mucinex and antibiotics like candy, drinking Theraflu like water, and sleeping as much as possible. Thankfully, it appears it is finally moving on out, and we can get back to the month ahead.
Tomorrow, I should hopefully have news regarding a new position in North Carolina. I know I am anxious to get that final piece of the puzzle figured out. Once we have all of that figured out, I feel like we can finally steam ahead towards our move, getting everything situated, and worked out for this whole thing. I hate leaving all of this to the last minute, and it's been driving me crazy we don't have everything planned out and scheduled, because we are waiting to hear back about my job. It's hard to plan on spending money on things if we don't know when one of us will get paid next after the move, you know?
But, to move on to the main focus of this post, which actually has to do with our move, is that I have recently figured out what my word for 2017 is going to be. New Year's has always felt like a mixed message; a beginning and an end wrapped up into one, and January always seems to have a certain gloom about it to me, like a depression period post-holiday season. I usually like to look forward to the changing of the new year as an opportunity to start new, try again, and look forward to what's to come. Instead of focusing on resolutions I will probably break anyways, having a word gives me a chance to have something to think on, meditate on, and allow the universe to utilize to do work on me as well. Over on Susannah Conway's blog, you can actually use her week of exercises to find your word if you want to try it out. I highly recommend it, particularly if you are kind of bad at resolutions like me, but still love that idea of having something to look forward to.
So what's my word for 2017?
I picked this for my word of the next year simply because it ties into so many other aspects of things I am trying to improve upon in my own life. To me, flow is defined as "to proceed smoothly and readily; to readjust to disruptions and change under stress without cracking." I tend to have a hard time with patience, accepting things for what they are and will be, and letting things go and letting them be. Flow embodies a lot of that to me. It means greeting the next year of big changes with the idea that I can accept what I cannot change, and I can redirect myself around the things I can change. It means not cracking under stress and learning to find new ways to find patience and ease. It means looking at the forks in the road ahead and saying, "I've got this," and not stressing myself out into an anxiety-induced panic over the things I cannot change.
I am hoping this brings patience, balance, and ease to my life in the next year. I know there are quite a few big changes happening for me in 2017, so I am excited to see what it brings. To end, here are a few quotes I am loving that I can utilize for inspiration throughout the new year:
So do you have a word for the new year? Any goals and plans for the next 365 days? I would love to hear about it!