Thursday, March 16, 2017

finally, good news

I have to admit, I wasn't sure this day would come entirely, but I had hope it would work out for me.

Throughout my college career, I often was reminded of just how exclusive and uniquely selective my field can be. Never have I been more aware of the phrase, "cannot get a job without experience, but cannot obtain experience without a job," than attempting to job search in the English field. The market is saturated with writers, bloggers, editors, copywriters, and more, and few are eager to take a chance on someone fresh out of college with the right degree but lacking in years of experience. It's been trying.

However, if I have learned anything from this job search here, it has absolutely been the value of connections. Early on in my search, I connected with someone in HR at the company I dreamed to work for. I maintained contact, I followed-up, I was persistent to the point of borderline annoyance. But this all showed my determination to become part of the company. It showed my persistence to show my passion and my skills.

Lo and behold, this position did in fact come through, much to my extreme happiness, and I am now happily employed! And within my field to boot! I cannot describe how wonderful this feeling is to finally feel I have purpose here. I am beyond excited to roll up my sleeves and get to work.

I plan to update some more when I can, so please be on the lookout for more to come!

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