There's a huge stigma in our society about growing older. It's like we celebrate the idea of turning 21, and then once you reach that goal, it's human nature to begin hating your birthday every year following that pivotal age of finally earning your right of passage to drink alcohol outside of your parent's house.
I however would like to change that. My birthday is usually what I consider my own personal holiday (I typically take it off from work, sleep in, drink something bubbly, and treat myself to something I enjoy, whether it be lunch, a new outfit, or getting my nails done). While I enjoy this kind of attitude about my birthday, as I get closer to that apex of ages, 30, I really want to change how I approach that birthday. I want to begin a list of all kinds of various goals I would love to actually accomplish by 30.
I have a confession to make though: I have this horrible habit where I start a project and unless I finish it in one sitting, I almost never finish it. Oops. So part of me is a bit hesitant because I actually want to finish this list and I don't want to go to sleep on my birthday still not finishing what I set out to do. So to be perfectly honest, I crafted this bad boy to make sure I would want to finish it. And I admit, some of these goals I know I'm going to accomplish, like that wedding I've been planning for two years. But these goals are still important ones I want to accomplish by 30.
Much like Alaina, one of my favorite bloggers from alainaisbouts, states on her blog from when she did her 30 before 30, it's more about greeting this birthday with joy, not dread, and making it a happy occasion to look forward to. Also, she had some really great goals, and I might have borrowed a few for myself (hope that's ok!)
So here it is, without any further ado:
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props to Canva for the graphic help |
Let's break it down now:
1. Go somewhere new with Ashley: We have been craving a trip together for a while now. Grad school wears on us both, even though she is the student, and we have been tossing around some short trip ideas for possibly later in the year or the beginning of next year. Vegas? West Coast? DC? At this point, anywhere will do.
2. Make new friends in Raleigh: Y'all, making friends as an adult is hard as shit. When you no longer work in a restaurant, no longer are in school with peers, and work remotely, there's only so many people you come across that are friend material. Raleigh hasn't really felt like home since we moved here, and I blame having no real friends to hang out with, so this needs to change.
3. Take myself on a spa date: I am almost 30 and I have never experienced what a massage or a facial feel like, and I'd love to pamper myself a little. Honestly too, it'd be great for someone to get those knots out of my shoulders and the blackheads out of my face.
4. Become financially literate: I have no clue what IRA, stocks, bonds, or investing really means, and as a feminist lady, I think it's about time I learn what all these mean, how they pertain to me, and how to have a better handle on my financial future. I'd really like to feel like I know what's going on with my money.
5. Unplug for an entire weekend: I am a Millennial and damnit, I love the Internet. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google everything... I am constantly connected to it all. For 72 hours at least, I would like to not have to even look at my phone, let alone post or check anything at all.
6. Have an entire day with just Mom and just Sarah: Living 2 states away from my favorite people sometimes really, really sucks. Both my mom and my older sister, Sarah, are phenomenal women and just the best to spend time with, so I'd love to have a day with each of them to reconnect, hang out, and just in general get some time together.
7. Cook 5 meals from Mastering the Art of French Cooking: I blame Julie & Julia for this one. One of my favorite books and movies, it's given me inspiration to branch out and try something different. I could do Italian or Mexican food allllllllllllllll day long, but I've never really tried French food. Julia Childs is the expert, so let's give it a shot, eh?
8. Experience something marvelous: Amazing life event, glorious sunrise, breathtaking sunset, feeling infinite in a place I've never felt that way in before... something to just marvel.
9. Visit a local winery and buy a bottle of my favorite wine: Being in North Carolina, there's actually quite a few wineries nearby that I've been interested to branch out and try. I love wine, ask my best friends/fellow wino's, and to go to the source and find a new favorite sounds like an excellent way to spend a day.
10. Stop biting my nails: I've literally been biting my nails since I can remember. Let's just cut that out already, shall we?
11. Write 30 thank you cards: I love to give and receive snail mail. Packages, letters, postcards, you name it, I love it. So I want to send out some to any and everyone I can.
12. Build something with my hands: Puzzles are, like, my thing. And I love being crafty, so let's combine the best of both worlds, and make something amazing. I'd love to learn how to use real power tools, cut wood, and make something I'm proud of. Maybe get ambitious and make a bed frame for our bed and not buy one from the dozens of places I've searched?
13. Read 20 novels I've never read: I was an English major in college, and I've enjoyed reading longer than I remember being able to talk. When I am interested in what I'm reading, I just fly through it all. Right now, I've got Scrappy Little Nobody and Big Magic I'm starting from the library. Any book recommendations would be much appreciated (I love fiction, not corny love stories, fantasy/sci-fi, epic literature, gothic classics...hit me!)
14. Devote time to creativity: Working a full-time job can be energy draining when you come home and just want to decompress with a drink and yet another show on HGTV about renovations. I'd love to redirect that attention to doing more creative things again, like writing and creating.
15. Attend a class I like, be it yoga, cycle, dance, etc: You know, I've been telling myself for years that I was going to take a yoga class or do something active and fun. I still haven't. Time to change it up!
16. Protest / Rally / March: There's so much bullshit happening right now under this
17. Be a published author: I have always wanted to have my work published in a publication of value, be it a poem or a story or an opinion piece. Stay tuned on this one...
18. Get married to the love of my life: I know, I know, easy goal to put on the list since October 22, 2017, THIS WILL HAPPEN. (Thanks, Obama.)
19. Add another stamp to my passport: Whether it be on our honeymoon or beyond, I am itching like a fiend to whip that baby out, hop on an airplane, and experience a new land of culture, art, and overall fantasticness.
20. Create a living will: So this one is a bit morbid, but you never know what could happen, on any given day, at any given time, any given place. I'd like to make sure things are taken care of the way I want them to be, god forbid, if something were to happen.
21. Love my body for exactly what it looks like: Look, I was almost never negative about my body much growing up. Somewhere between adolescence, my college years, and now, I've become a bit of a bully to my body, and I need to quit. Time to start loving what I see and how I feel and look, and not rag on myself all the time for it.
22. Drastically downsize my closet: Hi, my name is Nikki and I like to hoard clothes for 'someday'. Enough is enough. Time to get rid of the pieces I never wear and never will, only keep the key pieces, and invest in the quality pieces I will wear over and over again for decades.
23. Pay it forward to someone who can't return it: I've always wanted to pay for someone's Starbucks order or cover their check at a restaurant, or do something to help out someone else. No longer am I going to just think it's a nice idea, I'm doing it sometime before 30.
24. Get another tattoo: I've been telling myself for years I would be getting another tattoo, and here I am, still with just the two I obtained between 18 and 21. Granted, I love them, but I'd love to have some kind of fantastic art on my body. Like they like to say, if my body is a temple, I should be able to decorate the walls.
25. Have only my student loan debt to pay off: Only recently have I obtained credit card debt, but I've been on top of paying the minimum payments on the two I have. Time for some next level shit and really make my student loans the only debt left to pay.
26. Become more involved with my physical health: I've been slacking hardcore on being more active. I blame not having a job between January and April, when I quite literally played Candy Crush on my ass, drinking coffee in my yoga pants on the couch watching yet another Netflix marathon of Law & Order: SVU. If I'm pissed at how I look, I can change that and be a healthier person. Not looking to become a gym rat or that girl that drinks smoothies for 2 out of my 3 meals, but maybe the woman that chooses water over a 3rd glass of wine, or maybe some damn exercise over hitting 'Continue Watching' when Netflix asks if I'm still there.
27. Visit every single brewery in Raleigh: I warned you, I'm a craft beer aficionado, and North Carolina is known for its' craft beer scene. I've visited a few so far, but I want to see all the ones I can near me here in the Triangle. This is another reason I'm stepping up my gym game, to counterbalance the beer intake.
28. Go away for a weekend spontaneously: I have always wanted to do this and I have never had the time/funds/means/partner to do so with. That's about to change. Watch out, Ashley!
29. Do a 30 day challenge: Blog everyday. Yoga. Bullet journaling. Give up alcohol. Try meditating more than once a week. I will do something for 30 days, and I expect some results, damnit.
30. Visit Caitlin Austin: Ever since my childhood best friend of 18 years and counting moved to Austin, Texas with her husband, the Caitlin void in my life is real. So at some point in time before 30, I'm jetting off to Austin for a girl's weekend of tacos, margaritas, Magnolia Market, and weirdness. Come on, Southwest, throw me a good deal!
So there it is. My masterpiece bucket list for beginning my 30's off in a fun, fabulous, and thrilling way.
God, when did I become an adult?
I always turn my birthday into a holiday, too. I tell my hubs it's my birthday month and he just sighs because he's used to it. :) I love your list! Also, quit hogging all the youth, I want to be 30 again. :) Maybe I'll do a 35 before 35 or 40 before 40 list. But I'm old and tired, so maybe not. Hehe. I'm so glad to follow along with your blog.xo
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see you following it now as well! :) and I'll try not to hog all the youth lol